Billing information
Korppi Gear billing information
Our billing addresses will change from February 13, 2025 and we hope to receive invoices primarily in electronic format. If your company does not have the ability to deliver e-invoices or send invoices by email, you can send paper invoices to the scanning service address.
We will no longer accept invoices to our physical address.
1. Online invoices
Talently Ltd.
Business ID: 3380979-7
VAT number: FI33809797
EORI number: FI33809797
E-invoice address: 003733809797
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
2. Receiving invoices by email to the scanning service
We hope that you will only send invoices to this address. Invoices are sent to the service as PDF email attachments, and invoice attachments must be in the same file as the invoice itself.
Email invoice address:
You can send multiple invoices in one email, as long as each invoice is a separate attachment. All files must have a different name.
The maximum size of a single email is 5 MB.
PDF files must be genuine PDF documents (PDF version 1.3 or later).
The allowed characters for the attachment name are normal letters, az, AZ, 0-9. Please do not use special characters or spaces in the attachment name.
3. Receipt of invoices by mail to the scanning service
Address information must be complete on both the invoice and the envelope so that the invoice can be delivered quickly and reliably to its recipient.
Talently Ltd.
P.O. Box 100
80020 Collector Scan
Please only send invoice material to the scanning address. These items are automatically entered into our company's ledger, and no other material (e.g. receipts, business gifts, credit cards, and admission tickets) will reach their recipient through this route.
Please do not use staples on invoices sent to the scanning service.